Anthony's Home page.



How to stop Foxes taking small animals or Birds with out hunting with dogs or shooting or snaring and it works100%


Department for Environment
Food and Rural Affairs


Please help us to stop the killing of wild Animals.


The Pesticides and Safety Directorate

The Humane Society of the United states

Independent Press Standards Organisation

Advertising Standards Authority.

The Crown Prosecution Service

Her Majesty's Courts Service

The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

IFAW working to protect wildlife around the World and more.

This is the countries biggest National fox welfare society in the uk.

The Fox Project is a charity dedicated to the protection of foxes & more.

Visit the British Big Cats Society very interesting site about wild cats going around our Country side.

ARAN is to get actively involved with our ongoing research, lobbying, events, projects, peaceful protests and tabling events all over Ireland.

CAFT Coalition to abolish the fur trade.

FACCE fights against cruelty to all animals.

Irish animals on the web has every thing to do with animals.


In Britain an estimated five million wild birds and other animals are injured or disabled in some way .

APAM Animal Protection Association from Minis, Arad is a non-profit organization - financed from donations and sponsorships - which deals with providing shelter to foster abandoned animals

kill-hunting Conservation charities are killing wildlife to protect their own interests.

The uk pet-search lost & found pets page

NFWS continues to lead the way forward in eliminating Sarcoptic mange in foxes across the UK.

More excellent web sites can be found here on my link's page

Want to help the environment and cut down on the junk mail you get in your letter box you can and it's free here

Government links and more.

 Your local MP here.  

 The Home office web page

 www. Scotich Parliment web site.


A-Z guide to Parliament jargon.

I am a member of the following organizations 


Nothing printed on my web page's should be taken as encouragement to commit illegal or criminal acts.

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Thank you to the NASC for the  photo click on the banner below to help ban snares.

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My home made electronic devises you can make your self

The Fox Web Site.

National Fox Welfare Society’s

The fox Project

Derbyshire Fox Rescue

Welcome to Little Foxes Wild Orphan care.

Protect Our Wild Animals

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 ACT - Against Corvid Traps

The Real Countryside Alliance. The Reality Of Hunting Thugs


Hunting with dogs was banned on the 15 September 2004 but it will not come in to force till February 18 2005. 

Still keep your eye open and look out for hunt cruelty to our wildlife

The only crime this fox cub did was to be born.

This fox was recently strung up, with its legs broken, at the entrance to an Animal Sanctuary in Sussex.

 Sick hunt campaigners have been blasted after a fox's corpse was wired to a tree in a sick stunt.

The photo above shows a female badger killed by a snare this year in  South Yorkshire. The Cub which died of starvation/dehydration at her nearby set.